‘Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.’

/Matthew 7: 13-14/

I have been planning to start a blog for many years. I even started one a couple of years ago and abandoned it after half a post. Do not ask what it was about or what it was called as it hasn’t really had any lasting impact.

I always found it helpful to write about issues I was going through in my life. When I was in love for the first time at thirteen I wrote a short story about it. When my heart was broken I wrote poems about it. It helps me deal with my emotions, it helps to streamline my thoughts and have a more rational view of things.

So why do I feel the need to write today?

Last couple of years I have been through some devastating personal experiences that also represent large scale social issues. I thought that writing about these issues will not only help me rebound from the sense of disillusionment but will also raise awareness and support other people facing similar difficulties.

Why the quote from the Bible?

I do not consider myself religious and I wasn’t even baptised til my 10th birthday. Why then? I have no idea. But before I was baptised I had to attend bible study sessions for a while and our pastor kind of expected all the children to attend a Christian summer camp. There I found myself in the beautiful mountains under the supervision of 3 extremely strict female pastors, with no running water in sight carrying 10 litre water buckets on challenging trails to be able to take a bath in them in the evenings. On the very last evening there was a group discussion and the one of the pastors asked everyone a question. My question sounded like this: Have you crossed the narrow gate? I didn’t have the slightest idea at the time what she meant but I whispered a yes. Today I promise myself to aim for the narrow gate. I want to be the best I can be and I want to bring positive change into this world. The world that my children are going to grow up in. After all adversities I am also hoping to find myself and my purpose in life again.

And I am also here to tell the stories about the wide road…

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